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United Nations Day 2019: "Indigenous Language Matter for Sustainable Development, Peace Building and Reconciliation"0

          United Nations was formed after the World War II so that countries will have to settle international problems with UN and not with war. It was originally formed by 51 countries and now it have 193 countries
which is almost all the countries in the world.UN is made to maintain peace and security throughout the whole world and developeing the relations of every nation. UN is also made to celebrate diversity and brotherhood of the different countries.
          The theme for this year is "Indigenous Language Matter for Sustainable Development, Peace Building and Reconciliation". I noticed that almost all the celebration it feature the importance of
indigenous languages. It is because this year of 2019 it is the International Year of Indigenous Languages (IYIL). Some languages are disappearing so United Nations made an action in order to raise awareness. Indigenous language is important because it makes our world's cultural diversity. Language is important for all the people to communicate and to show the culture of every nation.
           Languages matter not only because it helps us communicate but also for the world's sustainable development, peace and reconciliation. 


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