In the month of January, every single one of us has been informed that there was an outbreak that happened in Wuhan, China. In fact, there was one confirmed case already but we didn't really act fast enough. I am not blaming anyone I just think that we could've done better or more. The CoVid cases spread faster than you could imagine. March rolls around and almost every country was in lockdown. Everyone has stopped going to their schools and jobs (except of course our front liners). Everyone was asked to wear a mask, wear a face shield, sanitize, and to minimize gatherings. Everyone was obedient at first but it became more and more boring. However, lockdowns aren't suppose to last this long, not everyone is in capable of working and studying at home. The lockdown aren't lifted yet as of this now but the rules has become less strict. The cases are still skyrocketing. Not everyone got their jobs back
Here comes our best trait, helping others and our resiliency. Many celebrities and influencers has donated and helped those who cannot work and those who are in no possible way in acquiring money. Even normal people as well, we all had that instinct to help. Filipinos are resilient as well, because many tragedies has struck us already but we all managed to come back up again because we help each other out. I also admire that we still managed to find some laughter even though we are in a middle of pandemic.
Here is the latest update of CoVid-19 in the Philippines as of December 1 of 2020. For more updates, visit Stay safe!
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